Installation method of phantom door (Hidden tracking door system)

Installation method of phantom door  (Hidden tracking door system):

1. Prepare tools and materials: Prepare tools and materials such as screwdrivers, electric drills, spirit levels, rulers, pencils, expansion screws, pulleys, tracks, door panels, etc.

2. Measure and mark: Use a ruler and pencil to measure and mark the installation positions of the pulleys and tracks on the wall above and on both sides of the door opening. Ensure that the marked positions are accurately horizontal.

3. Install pulleys and tracks: Use an electric drill and screwdriver to install the pulleys and tracks at the marked positions. Ensure that the pulleys and tracks are firmly installed and can slide smoothly.

4. Install the door panel: Lift the door panel so that the pulley on the top is inserted into the track. Then, align the bottom of the door panel with the ground to ensure that the door panel is vertical and horizontal.

5. Adjust and test: Gently push the door panel to check if it can slide smoothly. If the door panel is stuck or not smooth, adjust the positions of the pulleys and tracks until the door panel can slide smoothly.

6. Install door handles and locks: Install door handles and locks on the door panel as needed. Ensure that the door handles and locks are firmly installed and can be used normally.

7. Clean up and organize: After installation, clean up the door opening and surrounding areas to ensure there is no debris or dust. Then, organize the tools and materials to complete the installation of the phantom door.

Note: Before installing the phantom door, ensure that the size and shape of the door opening meet the requirements of the phantom door. In addition, pay attention to safety during the installation process to avoid accidents. If you are not sure how to install the phantom door, it is recommended to ask a professional to install it.